Dr Serge LANDEN. Digestive and general surgery.


I have been practicing surgery since 1992, ensuring quality care with a humane approach, but also attentive to making my services affordable. Over a quarter century I have performed in excess of 10.000 surgeries in the following fields:

I have extensive experience in minimally invasive surgery (keyhole technique) which I currently use in 80% of my surgery. Minimally invasive surgery reduces post-operative pain, hospitalization and recovery time as well as skin scars which seldom exceed 12mm. This approach can be used to treat a wide variety of common diseases: appendicitis, abdominal hernias, gallstones, esophageal reflux (heartburn), obesity, colonic diverticulitis and tumours.

Cancer surgery is one of my centres of interest. For the management of oesophageal, liver, pancreatic and rectal tumours I collaborate closely with gastroenterologists, oncologists and radiotherapists to provide state-of-the-art therapy tailored to each patient. DELTA hospital has cutting edge technology including computerized tomography, magnetic resonance, PET scans, echoendoscopy and echolaparoscopy. All operations are performed by a team of two experienced senior surgeons to guarantee the safety and quality of these complex procedures. Postoperatively patients are monitored within the secure environment of the intensive care unit.

Bariatric surgery (obesity) is a fast-growing discipline particularly with the advent of minimally invasive techniques. I have been performing these operations since 1995 and quickly realized the major impact they had on patients’ physical and psychological well-being. Apart from gastric banding which reduces the size of meals I perform sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass which also cause some degree of food malabsorption. Patients are managed before and after surgery at DELTA hospital which groups in a single location all the professionals and technology needed to ensure a global and personalized approach. At present more than 500 patients are operated and followed every year making this a referral centre for the Brussels area and beyond.

Emergencies constitute a significant part of my practice and I readily devote time to managing any patient referred to me beyond office hours. Your family doctor can directly access me by telephone or you can present to the emergency room at DELTA hospital that will then contact me.

 Dr Serge Landen - www.drlanden.be

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Domaines d'interventions du Dr Landen

  • Reflux

    La chirurgie viendra en aide particulièrement en cas de soulagement incomplet par les médicaments, de récidive, de refus du médicament à vie, d' oesophagite sévère ou compliquée ...

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  • Colon et Rectum

    Le colon et le rectum peuvent être le siège de tumeurs et d’inflammations qui nécessitent un geste chirurgical...

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  • Vésicule

    La présence de calculs au sein de la vésicule biliaire peut être responsable de douleurs (coliques hépatiques) et de complications

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  • La Chirurgie de l’Obésité

    Avec 25% de la population qui présente une surcharge pondérale, l’obésité se profile comme un des défis sanitaires majeurs du siècle.

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  • Hernies

    La réparation laparoscopique des hernies de l’aine constitue une avancée chirurgicale majeure qui a réduit de manière spectaculaire les douleurs postopératoires, la durée d’invalidité ainsi que le taux de récidive...

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  • Hémorroïdes

    Le but de la chirurgie sera de lier les vaisseaux sanguins responsables des hémorroïdes et d’enlever l’excédent de peau au pourtour de l’anus...

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